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Sunday, April 12, 2020

Ogre Miniatures Army Pictures

Decided to get my Ogre miniatures organized and inventoried, since I am working from home, there's plenty of time to work on that project.

First, I finished painting all of my metal Ogre miniatures, that took a couple of days. Then on to the inventory.

Cleared off the gaming table and laid out some Hexon II tiles so it looks nicer.

Here are all of the metal Pan-European miniatures on the table at once.

And some individual groupings.

And the metal Combine miniatures:

Well just found another box of metal miniatures that need assembled, primed, and painted. Once those are done, I can get started on the plastics...


 Ashley said...

Awesome collection of miniatures, I'm surprised the table didn't collapse under the weight. ;-)

jfleisher said...

I used to be able to get both forces on the table at once, not any more...

and I have not even started on the plastics yet.